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Fullscreen Image Gallery

Fullscreen Image Gallery Extension for Joomla

Module Plugin

What's new?

Version 2.0 - 19 November 2023

  • Supports Joomla 5 without Backward Compatiblity Plugin
  • Added Masonary Layout
  • Uses New Image Resizing
  • Code Optimization
  • Images can now be converted to WebP format.
  • Doesn't support Joomla 3.

Version 1.9 - 20 February 2023

  • Fixed PHP bug when no directory specified.

Version 1.8 - 06 February 2023

  • Updated JS files to support jQuery Latest version.
  • Fixed PHP issues to support PHP 8
  • Plugin syntax modified and made simpler.

Version 1.7 - 27 October 2021

  • Supports Joomla 4
  • Supports PHP version 8

Version 1.6 - 05 June 2020

  • Code Optimization
  • Option to choose folder in the backend [Module]
  • Thumbnail Zoom on hover option added

Version 1.5

Module [Caution : Please keep a backup of the slides while upgrading from 1.4 to 1.5 ]
  • Joomla updater integrated.
  • Option to add padding and margin around the thumbnail.
  • PHP and jQuery Issues fixed.
  • Additional CSS adding feature in the backend.
  • Option to add border and border color to the image.
  • Overlay Option added.


Current Version


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What can Fullscreen Image Gallery do for you?

See our product features

An extension that can be used as image gallery in your website. You can view the larger image in Full Screen view using this gallery.

Module Features

  • Option to fetch images from a defined folder or individual path
  • Option to resize the height and width of the thumb
  • Option to Enable/Disable Captions [Works with Individual Path]
  • Option to set caption font size, weight, color and font family
  • Supports multiple instance.
  • Works on all modern browsers.

Plugin Features

  • Supports Multiple Instance
  • Fetches images if the folder path is mentioned or individual path
  • Can auto resize image
  • Option to set width and height of the thumbnail images.
  • Option to set the control and background color. NEW

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